Curious about dental implants and what they can do for you? Schedule a consultation with CG Smile today!
Are you missing one or several teeth due to periodontal disease or dental trauma? Have you decided traditional dentures or partials aren’t for you? CG Smile is your resource for dental implants in Miami. We offer both zirconia (ceramic) and titanium dental implants. Plus, we have an in-house master ceramist for fast, stellar results.
A dental implant is an oral prosthetic fabricated from medical-grade titanium or zirconia (zirconium oxide). The procedure is fairly straightforward; a small hole is drilled into the jawbone and the implant post is surgically implanted. Your jawbone actually fuses to the implant post in a process known as osseointegration. This means that once the bone heals, your implant will be anchored just like the root of a natural tooth. In time, you will likely forget you even have an implant (or implants). Titanium implants are fitted with a ceramic crown crafted using precision CEREC technology, while zirconia implants are a one-piece design that is surgically implanted into the jawbone.
Like dentures and dental bridges, implants can be used to replace a single tooth or even a whole arch of missing teeth. The three primary factors that come into play when deciding between the three restorative options are appearance, price, comfort, and functionality (how well the prosthetic assists with everyday life). Here’s the rundown:
Up until only a few decades ago, a dental bridge was the preferred method of replacing a single tooth. This procedure involved prepping and crowning the two adjacent teeth with crowns, which would then support a middle artificial tooth. Dental bridges are susceptible to dental trauma and some care needs to be taken when chewing hard foods on the bridge-side of the mouth. In contrast, a single-tooth implant leaves the neighboring teeth intact, and it will function and feel remarkably similar to a natural tooth.
CG Smile offers porcelain veneers as part of our complete smile makeover package. Choose from CEREC same-day veneers, eMax, Empress®, zirconia, and all the latest dental veneer styles.
A common question we receive is, “Will Insurance cover dental implants?” Most dental insurance plans do not cover the cost of dental implant procedures. Some health insurance plans to cover dental implants under certain circumstances. The CG Smiles staff would be happy to recommend financing options to make related costs more manageable.
Unlike other types of dental prosthetics (bridges, partials, dentures, etc.), dental implant seek to do two things the others do not: recreate the function and stability of natural teeth and prevent loss of jawbone material (resorption). With dentures, the jawbone material is less stimulated, which causes it to demineralize and become slowly absorbed by neighboring tissue. Dental implants, on the other hand, stimulate the jawbone tissue in a manner similar to natural tooth roots, therefore there is much less bone loss.
Dental implants are not recommended in children and adolescents. Factors which may prevent adults from receive dental implants are osteoporosis, advanced periodontal disease, diabetes, heart disease, and chemotherapy in the maxillofacial region. The doctor will perform a full health evaluation before recommending dental implant surgery.
Dental implant patients should meet the following criteria:
Any type of surgical procedure will come with significant cost. Some health insurance plans cover dental implants under certain situations. Although, standard dental plans rarely cover the full cost of dental implant procedures.
The Consumer’s Guide to Dentistry offers some general averages for what patients can expect to pay for dental implants.
The figures provided are based on national averages. A multitude of factors can influence the total cost of the procedure, such as materials, geographical location, and the practitioner’s level of experience and expertise. Then are the cost of materials; as a newer form of implant technology, you can expect to pay upwards of 50% more for zirconia implants compared to industry-standard titanium implants.
A majority of cosmetic treatments cause very little pain or discomfort. During some procedures, a local anesthetic will be applied to minimize any discomfort and to ensure you are comfortable throughout the process. If you have dental anxieties, we can also recommend a form of conscious sedation such as nitrous oxide.
The first step to getting the smile you’ve always wanted starts with a consultation. Call CG Smile today and ask us about the CG Smile Makeover.
Since the last half of the 20th century, titanium has been the material of choice for dental implants. Those looking for a “titanium-free” option often choose zirconia, a type of durable ceramic. Here are a few factors that may influence your decision-making:
Patients with Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, or autumn immune disorders may want to avoid titanium as it can cause inflammation around the jaw. There are no known cases of allergic reactions to titanium in healthy individuals.
So, which is healthier? Titanium or zirconia implants? Despite being touted as ”metal-free,” zirconia does contain trace amounts of hafnium, an element naturally bonded to zirconia, as well as yttrium. Since yttrium only occurs in trace amounts, its risk to health — if any — is not understood. But zirconia does come with its own bacterial risks. The cement used to bond zirconia implants can harbor bacteria, increasing the risk of periodontal disease, bone loss, and implant rejection.
Like other forms of surgery, dental implants will require some level of aftercare following the procedure.
If you elect for sedation, have a responsible driver available. It can take several hours for sedation to wear off and you are safe to drive a vehicle or operate machinery. If you choose to undergo sedation for the procedure, arrange transportation in advance.
Handling discomfort and inflammation. Most over-the-counter pain relievers will sufficiently manage the pain and/or discomfort you will experience following the procedure. You can apply an ice pack to the affected side of the face to help with the swelling. The general rule-of-thumb is to use an ice pack for 10 minutes at a time (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off).
Immediately after (and the days following) the procedure, it’s normal to see swelling, blood, and slight pain or discomfort around the surgical site. Within 48 hours, most of the pain, bleeding, and discomfort should subside. If you notice there is still blood after two days, please call our office as this may signal an infection.
Antibiotics. Depending on your individual implant procedure, an antibiotic may be prescribed. Be sure to take this as directed.
What to eat and drink. Stick to soft foods for the first 24 hours following surgery. Drink plenty of water. Non-caffeinated liquids will help flush potentially infectious bacteria from your body.
Brushing and oral health. If you are prescribed a prescription-strength oral rinse, be sure to use this before going to bed on the day of your surgery, then twice on the day after your implant surgery. Saltwater rinses are recommended and are useful in keeping the implant site as sterile as possible. Dissolve a teaspoon (5mL) of table salt into a cup (¼ liter) of warm water. When brushing, take care to not overly agitate the implant site and the area around the abutment.
Do you have a question about the dental implant process or aftercare?
Speak with a member of the CG Smile staff. We’d be happy to help!
(123) 262-3141